The Unexpected….The Unpredicted…..

Unpredicted storms hit me shattering my faith

I cried out, ‘Lord! Help me’!

He didn’t command the storm to calm

Rather He strengthened me to trust in His promises[i]

Hoping that nothing is impossible for Him.


Unexpected sickness struck me shaking my faith

I prayed ‘Lord! Take away my sickness!’

He didn’t heal me miraculously

Rather He taught me to move on with His grace[ii]

Depending on His sustaining power.


Sudden losses in the family left me in pain

I asked, ‘Lord! Where were you?’[iii]

He didn’t restore the loss immediately

Rather He carried me through, filling me with His peace[iv]

Assuring He will not make any mistake.


Unwanted words pierced me- questioning my integrity

I cried in pain ‘Lord! Fight for me!’

He didn’t act in the way I expected

Rather He proved that He is with me [v]

Lifting my head in due time.


Every time the situation didn’t change

Rather it changed my attitude towards God and His ways!

Each time I didn’t get the victory as I wanted

Rather it made me to say, ‘Thank you Lord for proving your faithfulness one more time’!

The unexpected, unpredicted challenges always make me strong to face the next one![vi]

Sheela R. Duthie,


[i]  Joseph: Gen: 37:6-10, 43:26

[ii]  Paul: II Cor: 12:9

[iii] Martha & Mary- John:11: 21,32

[iv] Deu:1:31, John: 14: 27, Is:41:10

[v] Daniel : Dan: 6: 26-28

[vi] II Thess: 1:4,5 , II Cor: 1:4

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