Walking Thro Darkness….

Though I don’t feel Him and He seems to be far off

I know for sure He is near and watching me!

Though I don’t feel that my prayers are heard

I know for sure He is there to hear and answer my prayers!


Though words are not coming out of my mouth

He understands the anguish of my heart!

Though tears are flowing down my cheeks

He understands every thought that is going through me!


Though the very thought ‘Have I lost His grace..’ comes

I remind myself, ‘His tender mercies and Grace are forever’!

Though the thought ‘Has the enemy overtaken me..’ comes

I remind myself ‘No one can change His plans for me’!


I choose not to dishonour Him with my faithless words.

Though darkness seems to be around!

I choose not to grieve His Holy Spirit doubting His promises

Though I do not know how to move forward!


I don’t want to live on what I feel but to live on faith

I don’t want to be in ‘the ten’ but to be in ‘the two’!

He will honour me as I walk by faith and not by sight

As I know for sure God honours faith!



Sheela Duthie


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