Merging of ‘Mind and Mind’ is a must in Christian Walk:

God has His own plan in reining the whole universe. He is a just God and needs to show justice in every act and move of him which many times our little human minds cannot fathom.  That is one of the reasons humans question God’s act.  He plans well ahead of what to do, how to do, how to do justice and many times he uses us to implement his plan.  If a believer doesn’t understand His mind behind his acts he will fail to understand His ways. If you and I fail to understand his mind in using us to fulfil his plans, we will use our own mind in between. We will think, connect many things, justify our thinking and finally will do it according to our own mind. This can happen in our small and big decisions. This will spoil his plan, affect his overall plan on us and sometimes on others too and at times will make us lose His blessings. Failure in merging our mind with His mind will lead us to trouble.
God had in his mind what the Amelakites did to Israelites on their way to Cnannan. He wanted to do justice( I Sam:15:2,3). But Saul had a different mindset(I Sam: 15:9). He had his own justifications for thinking so. This was considered evil in the sight of our Lord(I Sam:15:19). It was considered as a rebellious and stubborn act which is similar to witchcraft and idolatry. He was rejected from being a king(I Sam: 15: 23). Ultimately he lost his calling and anointing. What  a great danger there is when His mind and our mind doesn’t go together!
Let us ask God everyday, every moment to merge our mind with His mind so that we can fulfil His heart’s desire to be a part of His overall plan.
“So prepare your minds for action, be completely sober [in spirit—steadfast, self-disciplined, spiritually and morally alert], fix your hope completely on the grace [of God] that is coming to you when Jesus Christ is revealed”. (I Peter:1:13 Amplified version)
Prayer: Lord! Let not my mind-set make me rebel against you. Capture and reign my mind that I may work with you.
Sheela Duthie

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